Frequently Asked Questions
MyDrop is provided free with each prescription. Patients’ insurance will treat a prescription filled through MyDrop as if it was filled through any other pharmacy.
MyDrop can receive prescriptions just like any other pharmacy. The easiest way is for physicians to submit the prescriptions electronically through their e-scribing software.
Absolutely, you could even say they’re better than typical store pharmacies. For example:
- They’re more likely to carry the medications patients need
- They deliver anywhere within the U.S. within 2-3 days, which is often faster than local pharmacies can prepare them.
- Patients don’t need to set aside time to pick up the medications themselves
MyDrop’s mail-order pharmacy provides all this and also adds in technology that makes it easier for patients to get help quickly.
No, MyDrop’s cartridges come with more than enough battery power to last the entire medication bottle. Each refill of a medication comes with a new cartridge, so patients just need to take the old old cartridge + bottle set out of the smart dispenser and put in the new set.
MyDrop works with medications that come in bottles that hold 6mL or less, which is almost all major medications. If a medication doesn’t come in a bottle that small, MyDrop can still fill prescriptions for it – it just wouldn’t be able to use MyDrop’s dispensing and tracking features.
Patients just need to choose MyDrop as their pharmacy for filling eye drop prescriptions. MyDrop will be available late next year – you can get updates in the meantime by clicking the ‘subscribe’ link below and joining our mailing list.